/ Assignments
1. Comprehension
- Why did Lizi
move into Sami’s bedroom? (she had outgrown her eggshell bed and
needed to move out of Mom and Dad’s room)
- What things did
Lizi move into Sami’s room? (books, pink seaweed paper and crayon box,
rubber ball, dress-up chest)
- What was Lizi
afraid of? (Mommy is gone)
- How did Sami
convince Lizi that she was safe? (he was close and she could trust him
to watch out for her)
Sami wasn’t very happy about sharing his room with Lizi. Talk about
things that your child has trouble sharing and why.
Sami realized he had hurt Lizi’s feelings by laughing at her. He said that
his pride and arrogance kept him from apologizing to her. What is
pride? What is arrogance? How did this keep him from apologizing?
What was Sami’s “plan?” If you could have a perfect day of
play, what would you plan to do?
Sami taught Lizi about trust. What does trust mean to you?
Name someone you trust.
Play a game together.