/ Assignments
1. Comprehension
- What was the
name of the family that came back to Lake Kampos? (The Salmon Family)
- What kinds of
acrobatics did the Salmon’s do? (somersaults, cartwheels, headstands
and flips)
- Why do you
think Sasha laughed at Sami and Cannon?
To be talented at something means that you show an exceptional ability to
do it. Sasha was very talented in acrobatics: somersaults and
headstands. Talk about the many things that your child is talented
When Sami tried to do a headstand it didn’t turn out well. Think of
something your child has tried to do that he/she wasn’t particularly good
at. Talk about how your child felt and how he/she dealt with it.
Grandpa taught Sami that humility is not feeling ashamed when we can’t do
something but rather it is feeling grateful for the things we can do
well. In this way humility and pride are balanced; we know our
strengths without being boastful, but we also know our limitations without
feeling badly about them.
Look at the balance you made and demonstrate that one cup is humility and
the other is pride. When we recognize our own strengths and
weaknesses, we are balanced.